

INTRODUCTION My whole life changed the minute that Boris (the UK Prime Minister) said, on Monday 23 March 2020, 'You must stay at home'. Overnight, my w hole lifestyle, my whole being, my whole world............... was eradicated. More than 4 years on, and lock down and all the restrictions that came with it, almost seem like a distant memory. …...............Except the legacy of lock down will live with us forever. Covid-19 and lock down changed the world.................. It changed my life forever. L ooking back................... I was one of the 'lucky ones'..................... I didn't catch Covid, I didn't have elderly parents that needed looking after, I didn't have young children or grandchildren that I wanted to see, I didn't have relatives in care homes, I didn't have any ailments that required hospital treatment, I wasn't on any sort of medication so didn't need to visit pharmacies or doctors, I wasn't old or infirm. ...

MARCH 2020

Thursday 5th March 2020 How many other people think that the UK has gone into a mad meltdown over this Coronavirus thing? The shelves in Edinburgh shops are totally devoid of anti-bacterial hand-wash and loads of other stuff. Obviously it's a massive world wide problem, but seriously................... We live in a very mobile world so it would be totally ridiculous to think that Coronavirus won't spread all over the globe. It's going to happen, lock down or no lock down. I'm a 'meet & greeter'. Ie, I am a front-line person for meeting people from all over the world who visit Edinburgh. The other day I got a message from the company that I work for, containing a link to show me how to wash my hands properly. Honestly, how old do they think I am? Five?! For goodness sake, we were all taught how to wash our hands when we were toddlers and now it would seem nobody knows how to do it properly. Today I have been out and about 'meeting & greet...

APRIL 2020

  Wednesday 1 April 2020 Today I did my first bit of 'helping the nation' and went to 'Aldi' to do a shop for a friends mum. It was so exciting to be out in the car after almost 2 weeks. I was going to go to either 'Tesco' or 'Morrison's' but both had huge queues so I went to 'Aldi' which didn't have any queues at all. It was a bit difficult being a 'personal shopper' and knowing what to substitute, but I'm sure I'll get into the swing of it. What was even nicer, was having a real life chat with Mrs R when I delivered her shopping. She stood on the doorstep and I stood 2m away. It's an 'essential' reason to go out. Yay! I'm going to do it every week for her. She has two daughters, but they both live away from Edinburgh, so it makes sense for me to do it. Also I can do my own weekly shop at the same time and the car gets a short run out. It's a win, win, win, situation. Plus Trixie, the Colli...